Category Archives: Other
Pipeline: May 2011: Alvaro Zinos-Amaro presents some of the books due out in the coming month, as selected by our staff.
New In Store: May 2011: Books added to the Wizard's Tower store this month.
- Editorial: May 2011: Let’s start with the good news. Working on Salon Futura appears to be good for fertility. When we launched Anne had just given birth to her daughter, Rosie. A couple of months ago Karen announced that she was pregnant. And last week Jonathan’s wife, Kati, gave birth to a son. Congratulations to all. The world needs new book readers, and
Pipeline: April 2011: Alvaro Zinos-Amaro presents some of the books due out in the coming month, as selected by our staff.
- New In Store: April 2011: What's new in the Wizard's Tower store this month.
- Editorial: April 2011: Well, this is an editorial I hoped I wouldn’t have to write for a while. As you probably all know, this is not the best of times to be starting a new business. With all of the economic uncertainty, people are buying less, and that includes books. Fortunately Wizard’s Tower was planned to require little in the way of operating
- Pipeline: March 2011: Alvaro Zinos-Amaro presents some books due out in the coming weeks, as selected by our staff and guests.
- New In Store: March 2011: Once again we have a lot of new books in store. Here are some highlights.
- Editorial: March 2011: One of the biggest challenges of being an online business is promoting yourself. And I don't mean by that the act of getting the word out. That just takes time. The real challenge is to get the word out in such a way as to not irritate the very people that you want to buy from you.
Pipeline: February 2011: Alvaro Zinos-Amaro presents some books due out in the coming weeks, as selected by our staff and guests.
New In Store: February 2011: I'm delighted to be able to report that two more small presses have decided to sell through the Wizard's Tower bookstore.
- Editorial: February 2011: It is a cliché for a magazine editor to say that things are busy, because things are always busy when you are on a monthly schedule. Yet busy I am. Here's a brief run-down of what is going on.
- New In Store: January 2011: We have an embarrassment of riches arriving in the store this month. I'd say that I don't know where to start, except that this one is important.
Pipeline: January 2011: Here are the books we are looking forward to seeing in the coming few weeks.
- Editorial: January 2011: It has been a busy month. Yes, I know there were supposed to be holidays, but it has been all go around here.
Pipeline: December 2010: As we are now moving into a mid-month release date, some of these books are January releases.
New In Store: December 2010: Lots has been happening on the bookstore front since last issue. We now have a proper bookstore which is gradually filling up with interesting material. Right now it is fairly limited, but I am busy talking to a number of small presses about offering their books.
- Editorial: December 2010: As explained last issue, we’ve taken a slightly longer gap between issues this time in order to drift towards a mid-month release date. That way we are not competing for attention with the various other magazines (including Clarkesworld) that come out at the beginning of the month. Also it means I don’t have to worry about producing a magazine in the middle of the holidays.
Pipeline: November 2010: This regular feature of Salon Futura highlights a number of significant book releases (and occasionally items in other media as well) in the month the issue is published. The selections will be made by Salon Futura contributors and staff, and occasionally by our podcast guests and interviewees.
New In Store: November 2010: Dark Spires will be launched tomorrow at BristolCon.
- Editorial: November 2010: This issue is coming together in a bit of a rush because I have half of my brain concentrating on BristolCon. We have the Dark Spires launch taking place there, and I'm on a couple of panels. Hopefully there will not have been too many typos.
Pipeline: October 2010: This regular feature of Salon Futura highlights a number of significant book releases (and occasionally items in other media as well) in the month the issue is published. The selections will be made by Salon Futura contributors and staff, and occasionally by our podcast guests and interviewees.
New In Store: October 2010: We are aiming to have copies of Dark Spires on sale at BristolCon. You can now pre-order the book at a special discount price of £6.99. If you are interested in a copy, please pre-order as we will not be printing many copies and pre-orders will be used as a guideline for how many we get done.
- Editorial: October 2010: September has been an interesting month. Reaction to Salon Futura at Worldcon was very positive, but then I went and won a Hugo as part of the Clarkesworld team and that rather distracted me. I did, however, bag an interview with Jay Lake, which you can find in this issue, and one with Seanan McGuire that we will have up next month.
- Editorial: Welcome to Salon Futura: Hello, and welcome to the first issue of Salon Futura, a new and hopefully somewhat different magazine devoted to the discussion of science fiction, fantasy and other forms of speculative literature.
- Pipeline: September 2010: Book highlights selected by Salon Futura contributors and staff, and occasionally by our podcast guests and interviewees.
In this issue: Zoo City and Moxyland, Winter Song, What I Didn’t See and Other Stories, Zero History, An Artificial Night, The Quantum Thief, How To Live Safely In A Science Fiction Universe, Finch, The Reapers Are The Angels, The Living Dead 2, A Star Shall Fall, Blameless, The Evolutionary Void. - New in Store: September 2010: Each month we plan to bring you news of new releases in the Wizard's Tower Press web store.