Category Archives: Editorial
Cheryl’s editorials.
Editorial – March 2025: Cheryl has a lot of travel plans, which may or may not be interrupted by the insanity of global politics
Editorial – January 2025: In which Cheryl's internet is misbehaving
Editorial – November 2024: Surprise! Cheryl has been super-busy again.
Editorial – October 2024: Cheryl is having a very busy month
Editorial – September 2024: In which going to England proves dangerous
Editorial – August 2024: Worldcon is over. Now what?
Editorial – June 2024: There will be no July issue, but hopefully a bumper one in August
Editorial – May 2024: In which there are new things.
Editorial – April 2024: Cheryl has been traveling, which is both good and bad for the 'zine
Editorial – March 2024: Awards: you lose some, but occasionally you win. Also the Locus fundraiser and April travel plans.
Editorial – February 2024: Thank goodness for the extra day in February this year.
Editorial – December 2023: Cheryl looks back on 2023, and forward to 2024
Editorial – November 2023: Cheryl is battening down the hatches for winter
Editorial – October 2023: The year has turned, and Cheryl contemplates several months hiding from the cold
Editorial – September 2023: Cheryl has had a busy month, and there is a new Green Man book on the way
Editorial – August 2023: Cheryl has a couple of Kickstarter campaigns to recommend
Editorial – July 2023: In which Cheryl and Air Canada have a falling out
Editorial – June 2023: There is so much good stuff, both written and on film, coming out these days. How does one keep up?
Editorial – May 2023: Cheryl has some thoughts on declining interest in conventions.
Editorial – April 2023: That was the month that wasn't. Also a Hugos reminder and the future of the Astounding Award.
Editorial – March 2023: For the Trans Day of Visibility, Cheryl has a remarkable fantasy-related story
Editorial – February 2023: Cheryl has thoughts on the current "AI" problem.
Editorial – January 2023: Another year, another issue
Editorial – December 2022: For once Cheryl has a lot to say, including apologsing for the missing November issue.
Editorial – October 2022: Cheryl has moved home
Editorial – September 2022: Cheryl is in Canada, but you still get a new 'zine
Editorial – July 2022: A reminder, there is no issue in August.
Editorial – June 2022: A quiet June, but more conventions are on the way
Editorial – May 2022: Live from Helsinki!
Editorial – April 2022: Cheryl is playing catch-up, as usual
Editorial – March 2022: Cheryl has survived February once more
Editorial – January 2022: A new year, or just 2020 on repeat?
Editorial – December 2021: Oh look, it is the end of the year!
Editorial – November 2021: Worldcon is almost upon us, but the future of conventions is as murky as ever
Editorial – October 2021: A happy Halloween from Cheryl
Editorial – September 2021: Much news about in-person and virtual conventions, and new books from Wizard's Tower
Editorial – July 2021: Apologies time again. Also a Worldcon update.
Editorial – June 2021: Cheryl is tired and cannot brain today
Editorial – May 2021: The sun is shining in the UK. Cheryl is taking bets on how many days this will last. Meanwhile, in-person appearances are being planned.
Editorial – April 2021: Cheryl is a Hugo Finalist again