Category Archives: 056


  • Cover: Soldier: This issue's cover looks suspiciously like a picture of Murderbot.

  • The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport: Just in time for Panto season, Samit Basu produces a science fiction version of Aladdin (oh no he doesn't - discuss)

  • System Collapse: Martha Wells returns with a new Murderbot novel. What is everyone's favourite killing machine up to now?

  • A Fire Born of Exile: Aliette de Bodard's latest Xuya universe novel is inspired by The Count of Monte Cristo

  • My Brother’s Keeper: Tim Powers reveals the secret lives of the Brontë family. Yorkshire Moors, werewolves, what could possibly go wrong?

  • Fantasy at the British Library: There is a big, new exhibition. Cheryl happened to be in London and went to see it.

  • The Marvels: Captain Marvel is back, and this time she has help. Well, one pissed off adopted niece, and one obsessive fangirl (plus her very protective family).

  • Spirit: A re-print of Cheryl's review of another science fiction novel inspired by The Count of Monte Cristo. This one is by Gwyneth Jones.

  • This is Not a Grail Romance: Natalia Petrovskaia digs deep into Welsh Arthuriana. Cheryl is fascinated.

  • Silver on the Tree: Cheryl finishes her read through of Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising sequence

  • Masques of the Disappeared: Judith Clute has an art book out

  • Loki – Season #2: The God of Mischief is back. Will he finally get a redemption arc, and will anyone believe him if he does?

  • Lower Decks – Season #4: The Lower Decks crew are back in action, so no one in Starfleet is safe.

  • Editorial – November 2023: Cheryl is battening down the hatches for winter