New Online Fiction From Germany

Via the indispensable World SF blog, we discover that Inter Nova, a magazine based in Germany, has gone fully online. It publishes in English, but aims to publish primarily authors from outside of the English-speaking world. Translation services may be available in the future, but for now submissions must be in English. Interested authors should note that the magazine is strictly science fiction, no fantasy or horror. Presumably the decision of the editors is final in deciding what that means. The site currently has contributions from Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Croatia, South Africa, Israel and England in addition to Germany.

Two Interviews

Two very interesting interviews turned up in our blog feeds today. The first is at Techland where Lev Grossman interviews Paolo Bacigalupi about his sudden rise to fame, and the pair exchange some snark about literary fiction. And if you think that Paolo really has been an overnight success, go read the interview and find out how long you have to labor in obscurity before you get that sort of success.

The other interview is at World SF where Charles A. Tan talks to Indian SF writer, Samit Basu. There are some fascinating comments about the rapidly changing nature of the book market in India, and about the status of SF and fantasy in India. Also Samit is kind enough to quote Cheryl Morgan.

Apex Book of World SF, Vol. 2

The Apex Book Company has announced the table of contents for volume 2 in Lavie Tidhar’s Apex Book of World SF anthology series. This really is an international affair, with contributors from far and wide around the globe, including Malawi, Peru, Cuba, India and Finland, to name but a few. The featured authors include Fábio Fernandes, who was a guest on The Salon last issue, and Lauren Beukes, whom we interviewed. The full list of stories can be found here.

Last Drink Bird Head Award Nominees

Ann & Jeff VanderMeer have announced the nominees for the 2010 Last Drink Bird Head Awards, which “celebrate those in the genre community who enrich us with their time, energy, and words, for causes greater than themselves.” The full list is available here. The Neil Clarke Special Achievement Award, which does not have a nomination stage, goes to L. Timmel Duchamp.

Best American Fantasy Cancelled

From Jeff VanderMeer comes the sad news that the ground-breaking Best American Fantasy anthology series has been canceled. Larry Nolen, who had taken over as series editor, has posted the list of stories he and guest editor, Minister Faust, would have been considering for inclusion in the fourth volume of the series. Check out the list at Larry’s blog, the stories are well worth a look.

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