Category Archives: Con Running

Articles about convention running.


  • Chengdu Revisited: There is Hugo Drama to end all Hugo Drama (possibly quite literally). Cheryl thinks it is time to stop yelling, and to get serious about solutions.

  • Visiting Spaceport Glasgow: Cheryl was in Glasgow, and took the opportunity to visit next year's Worldcon site

  • Chengdu Moves Dates: Is there more Worldcon drama? Of course there is.

  • Dear Letter Writers…: Another year, more Worldcon Drama

  • Worldcon 79 – DisCon3: This year's Worlcon has some spectacular highs, and some terrible lows.

  • The BristolCon Art Show: Art shows are hard to do virtually. Has BristolCon found a solution?

  • LosCon 47 in VR: Can you hold a virtual convention in Virtual Reality? Cheryl investigates.

  • Worldcon Drama Again: What? It's only a couple of months since the last Worldcon fiasco. Of course we were due another one.

  • A Winter Worldcon: This year's Worldcon will be held in December rather than August. What does this mean, especially for those of us who can't attend? Also, Site Selection Controversy!

  • Is WSFS Fit for Purpose?: Another year, more Worldcon drama. How much more can the convention take?

  • FIYAHcon Revisited: Cheryl takes a second look at FIYAHCON now that they have published details of how the online convention was run

  • Pre-Worldcon Report: Most people seem to agree that Worldcon is broken, but how can we fix it? Cheryl has some thoughts.

  • Conventions Go Virtual: What does the sudden need to hold major events online mean for Worldcon? Cheryl has opinions.

  • What Can WSFS Do?: What exactly is the World Science Fiction Society, and why does it so often fail to respond to fannish controversies?

  • Feeling Badgered?: Kevin Standlee goes deep in the question of what makes a good convention badge.