Section 31
Well I can’t say that y’all didn’t warn me. But I watched it anyway. You were right, Section 31 is terrible. Let me count the ways…
- The totally predictable ‘shock’ prologue
- The awful Mission Impossible pastiche opening
- The worst Irish accent in the history of fake accents
- The major influence in Giorgiou’s life that she somehow never mentioned before
- The over-long and dull fight scenes
- The complete waste of Melle as a character
- The fact that it sneers at Trek rather than making fun of it lovingly as Lower Decks does
- The complete waste of Michelle Yeoh’s outstanding talent
- The chickening out at the end
You can probably think of more.
Rather than dunk further on something that deserves to be consigned to the same fate as those lost episodes of Doctor Who, I will mention two small positives.
Rachel Garrett is not just some random Starfleet officer. She’s a future Captain of the Enterprise who has already featured in a Next Generation episode, and who was to have a statue erected in her honour at the Starfleet Recruitment Center on M’talas Prime. Sadly the statue was destroyed in the attack on that facility in the final episode of Picard. But hey, woman Captain of the Enterprise, and seemingly a fun one at that. I liked her.
Also the ending could be interpreted as indicating that the Mirror Universe has been destroyed. We can but hope. Knowing the way that Hollywood works, someone will find a way to bring it back sooner or later. But for now, rejoice! Section 31 did get one thing right.
Yeah, OK, I will miss Captain Killy, but really, the Mirror Universe was never a good idea.