Editorial – January 2025

It has been a while. As planned, the holidays allowed me to get more books read. Most of them were intended for Wizard’s Tower, not for review. Sorry about that. You’ll be seeing some of them eventually.

I’m somewhat relieved to get this issue out, becuase this week has been a bit of a disaster. My internet died on Saturday, and has been dodgy ever since. Zen and OpenReach are blaming each other, and I have swapped every piece of kit I can. Nothing fixes the problem. It is fine for email and occasional web browsing, but for anything else, including putting this ‘zine together, I have to tether off my phone. And the phone signal here in Darkest Wales is pants.

February is a short month, and I’m normally quite busy with LGBTQ+ History Month (which is February in the UK), but I should be able to get an issue out. It may be a few days late as I have to do a thing in Westminster on the 26th and another thing in Aberystwyth on the 28th.

And there are books to make. Expect a press release or two in February.