Editorial – November 2024

This one is a few days late again. That’s partly because I have been stupidly busy once again, and partly because I didn’t see any point in putting it out on a Sunday. Y’all have better things to do, right?

Since last issue, Wizard’s Tower has published two books and put out a major press release about a whole new series. Also I have read something which is a Secrit Projekt at the moment, but I’ll be telling you more about next year. I am very excited about it.

I still have three novels to read and three books to do the layouts for before the New Year. I wasn’t planning on doing a December issue anyway. Maybe I can clear the backlog of WTP reading over the holidays.

Anyway, as this will be the last issue before the seasonal break, I hope you all have a very happy whatever festival it is that you normally celebrate. I have celebratory meals planned for Heuldro’r Gaeaf (Winter Solstice), Nadolig (Nativity) and Dydd Calan (First Day). The Alban Arthan thing is one of Iolo Morganwg’s inventions. Iechyd da!