Issue #65
This is the October 2024 issue of Salon Futura. Here are the contents.
Cover: The Green Man’s War: Ben Baldwin has raised the bar for book covers once again
The Moonlight Market: A charming tale of the war between the butterflies and the moths, fought out on the streets of London
The Knife and the Serpent: Tim Pratt is back with a new series. In this one a hapless student from Berkeley finds himself in the middle of a war for the multiverse, with the main protagonists being his girlfriend and his ex.
On the Economics of Small Presses: Is running a small press a viable business? Not without significant discrepancies in who gets paid.
Juliet McKenna Interview: The Green Man's War is on pre-order. Juliet McKenna talks to Cheryl about the future of the series, and about where she got some of her ideas from.
BristolCon 2024: For the first time ever, BristolCon runs for 2 whole days.
The Sheep Look Up: A reprint of Cheryl's review of the classic John Brunner novel of eco-catastrophe, first published in Emerald City #96
The Wood at Midwinter: Brilliance from Clarke as always, but possibly the shortest hardcover book Cheryl has ever read
Rings of Power – Season 2: Like Durin III and his mithril, the folks of Amazon are determined to mine every bit of fan service out of The Silmarilion
FantasyCon 2024: If it is Chester then it must be Romans, with a little FantasyCon on the side.
Editorial – October 2024: Cheryl is having a very busy month