Issue #59
This is the March 2024 issue of Salon Futura. Here are the contents.
Cover: Nøkken on a Bridge: This month's cover is 'Nøkken on a Bridge' by Peter Dobbin, and is taken from his book, Mythical Monster Stories
The Library of Broken Worlds: In Cheryl's opinion, this was the best SF novel of 2023
HIM: The perfect read for this year's Easter Sunday? Geoff Ryman re-imagines Jesus as a trans man.
ElfQuest, The TV Series: Paul Driggere looks forward to what will hopefully be an epic animated TV series
Mythical Monster Stories: A very beautiful collection of monster-themed art
Enheduana: Who was the world's first author? As far as we know, she was a royal priestess from Sumer who lived al around 4500 years ago.
Dune 2: If ever there was a movie made for the big screen, this is a fine example of one.
This Year’s Hugo Finalists: Fresh from the catastrophe of Chengdu, the Hugos are back. Can they restore their reputation?
Museum Bums: Naked buttocks are everywhere in our museums and art galleries. At last they are being celebrated.
Spirited Away: Cheryl is possibly the last person in the world to watch this famous movie.
Editorial – March 2024: Awards: you lose some, but occasionally you win. Also the Locus fundraiser and April travel plans.