The Book of Koli
A new science fiction trilogy by Mike Carey launched this month. Normally I would be jumping at the chance to read and review it, but I can’t. Although the vast majority of The Book of Koli is, surprise, about Koli and the strange, post-apocalyptic world in which he lives, it does also feature a couple of trans characters. Mike very kindly asked for my advice when writing the book. Hopefully I have done a good job and helped him make those two characters true to life.
However, as I am featured in the acknowledgements for the book, I can hardly provide an objective review.
Unobjectively, I loved it, and I hope you will too. Mike has an amazing imagination. The killer plants that have taken over his future Britain are a superb invention. And, as just about every review of the book so far has noted, Monono Aware is a fabulous character.
There are plans afoot for Mike and I to do something online about the book. I can’t tell you more than that now. Once it is all firmed up I will let you know.

Title: The Book of Koli
By: Mike Carey
Publisher: Orbit
Purchase links:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
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