Issue #5
This is issue #5 of Salon Futura. We have a lot of great content for you again. Please do check out the New In Store column where we have two great new small presses to welcome and a charity fund raiser for Queensland Flood Relief.
Here is the full contents list:
Cover: Bone Scan: "Bone Scan" by Judith Clute
Venice: Death and Passion: Sam Jordison goes to Venice in the company of Jon Courtenay Grimwood and Jeanette Winterson.
In Conversation with Jon Courtenay Grimwood: Sam Jordison talks to Jon Courtenay Grimwood about Venice, The Fallen Blade and future plans.
The Rise & Rise of Paolo Bacigalupi: Colin Harvey takes a look at the short but hugely successful career of one of science fiction's rising stars.
The Class of 2010: Cheryl Morgan looks at some of the debut writers from last year.
The Fiend with Twenty Faces: Jonathan Clements examines the legacy of Ranpo Edogawa, the Japanese master of mystery and imagination, and his infamous master-thief K20.
What Is Genre Anyway?: Cheryl Morgan makes the case for genre as a process rather than a category.
The Salon: The Graphic Story Hugo: This month on The Salon Cheryl Morgan and her guests discuss which 2010 graphic stories might be good candidates for the Hugo Award. With Cheryl in The Salon are writer Maura McHugh, retailer and blogger Joe Gordon, and podcaster David Monteith.
Interview: Paul Cornell: Cheryl Morgan talks to Paul Cornell in the bar at BristolCon 2010 where Paul was one of the Guests of Honour.
Interview: Judith Clute: Cheryl Morgan talks to Judith Clute at her home in North London.
- New In Store: January 2011: We have an embarrassment of riches arriving in the store this month. I'd say that I don't know where to start, except that this one is important.
Pipeline: January 2011: Here are the books we are looking forward to seeing in the coming few weeks.
- Editorial: January 2011: It has been a busy month. Yes, I know there were supposed to be holidays, but it has been all go around here.