Interview: Judith Clute

Cheryl Morgan talks to Judith Clute at her home in North London.

Generation Loss - Elizabeth Hand

The book that Judith mentions during the interview is Generation Loss by Elizabeth Hand (Harvest Books) [Purchase]. The title refers to the fact that a photograph loses detail with each successive generation of copying.

Daddy's Girl Illustration

This is the illustration for Joanna Russ’s story, “Daddy’s Girl” that appeared in issue 9 of New Worlds

Much more of Judith’s art can be seen on her website.

About the Interviewee

Judith Clute

Judith Clute, born in Canada 1942, has lived in London England since 1969. Her painting on the cover of Joanna Russ’s The Female Man, The Women’s Press 1985, first of their Science Fiction series, won a place in The Association of Illustrators Tenth Annual. Page 146. Judith Clute is featured in Dick Jude’s Fantasy Art Masters: the best in Fantasy and SF art world wide, Harper Collins London 2002. Pages 38-49 inclusive. Also in 2002 Judith Clute is included in Paper Tiger Fantasy Art Gallery edited by Paul Barnett. Pages 30-35 inclusive.


  • Excellent piece! Good talking and surprisingly well captured art of Judith’s. This felt like the best interview of Salon Futura so far, perhaps partly because it was so different from all the previous ones, but also because you two riffed off each other so splendidly. And the mention of Finncon 2007, aww…


  • I loved the interview. You just don’t get quality interviews with artists these days and to me they are an important aspect of the book publishing industry [often unsung as well]. The feedback between you two was very beneficial for the interview and I loved the Show and Tell. Judith, that bird painting with the laughing mouth, to die for! We need more interviews like this.