Issue #1

This is issue #1 of Salon Futura. In this issue we have:

  • Editorial: Welcome to Salon Futura: Hello, and welcome to the first issue of Salon Futura, a new and hopefully somewhat different magazine devoted to the discussion of science fiction, fantasy and other forms of speculative literature.

  • Cover: R’lyeh: "R'lyeh" by John Coulthart.

  • Notes on The Waterworks: There's a famous story that in 1899 Charles H Duell resigned from the US patent office and recommended that it be closed on the basis that "everything has already been invented". It isn't true.

  • The Dream Master: Satoshi Kon, who died on 23rd August, was a manga artist and anime director who brought a truly mature perspective to the Japanese animation medium.

  • Writing in the Real World: Cheryl Morgan is Salon Futura’s editor. She will be writing mainly about recent novel releases.

  • Short Fiction: September 2010: Karen Burnham will be bringing us news of the best of recent short fiction releases, concentrating primarily on stories that are online where you can go and read them immediately.

  • The Salon: A Changing Conversation: This month we welcome Gary K. Wolfe, Nnedi Okorafor and Fábio Fernandes. The topic of conversation is, perhaps appropriately, The Conversation -- how we talk about science fiction and understand its history.

  • Interview: China Miéville: Cheryl Morgan talks to China Miéville at China's home in North London.

  • Interview: Lauren Beukes: Cheryl Morgan talks to Lauren Beukes at the home of John & Judith Clute in North London. Lauren Beukes is a recovering journalist turned TV scriptwriter and novelist. She is the author of Zoo City and Moxyland. She lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Pipeline: September 2010: Book highlights selected by Salon Futura contributors and staff, and occasionally by our podcast guests and interviewees.
    In this issue: Zoo City and Moxyland, Winter Song, What I Didn’t See and Other Stories, Zero History, An Artificial Night, The Quantum Thief, How To Live Safely In A Science Fiction Universe, Finch, The Reapers Are The Angels, The Living Dead 2, A Star Shall Fall, Blameless, The Evolutionary Void.

  • New in Store: September 2010: Each month we plan to bring you news of new releases in the Wizard's Tower Press web store.

Those of you with ebook readers that support the EPUB format can also download the issue to your mobile devices. Click here.

Please note that the audio and video content is not included in the downloadable version. It would be huge otherwise. We are working on an iPad/iPhone App that will allow you to stream our audio and video content to those mobile devices. In the meantime you can listen/watch online with traditional computers, or via the browser on your mobile device.

We hope that the issue will soon be available in the Kindle and iBooks stores, but this is dependent on us getting approval. We also need to test the Kindle version. The EPUB has been tested on an iPad, but as is the way with technology there may be glitches on other platforms. Please let us know if you find any. As Kevin and I are at the World Science Fiction Convention in Melbourne, Australia this weekend we may be a bit slow responded to comments, but we’ll get to them as quickly as we can.